言いたいことだけ言って立ち去るスレッド@避難所 5
275:国境なき名無しさん 2022/12/19(月) 19:14:47 ID:95g7yTNCi 続き LDP has dominated Japanese politics for more than 60 years since its formation in 1956. During this time, the opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) has been in power for only three years and three months. One wonders how one party can win so many elections in a country that is supposed to be a democracy. Is it possible that Japan is not a democracy? It is like the Russian Federation or the Communist Party of China, both of which continue to run dictatorial and despotic regimes. The suspicions that people around the world rightly have are now being confirmed. Some LDP lawmakers have already testified to the enthusiastic support of cultists and malicious vote manipulation (although it is not clear when these testimonies will be hushed up). And on social networking sites, even now that the approval rating of the government is at 25%, a very large number of supporters continue to enthusiastically voice their support for the LDP, undermining the opposition parties and praising the LDP, in an effort to sway public opinion. The Japanese elections are no longer anything more than a contrived farce.
276:国境なき名無しさん 2022/12/19(月) 19:16:06 ID:95g7yTNCi 長くてすまん壺工作自民党潰せ After winning a reprieve as planned, the LDP government announced to the public at the end of this year that it would impose even heavier taxes. The reason is a doubling of military spending. It has also been revealed that money collected in Japan by the former Unification Church is being sent to South Korea, where it is headquartered, and that some of it is going to North Korea. Of course, US President is aware of this. Japan's democracy has already collapsed into a virtual despotic dictatorship. Japan has fallen into the hands of a cult through a process so simple it is almost mind-boggling. How did my brother die? Seven years ago, at his brother's funeral, Yamagami cried. Tragedies and conspiracies, like those in comic books and movies, are still swirling around Japan. The next tragic hero may be born in the United States.
277:国境なき名無しさん 2022/12/19(月) 19:27:21 ID:95g7yTNCi クソ長文すまん ほかに投げ捨ててもいい場所があれば教えてほしい
278:国境なき名無しさん 2022/12/19(月) 19:32:51 ID:Da8nDzhvO ダメです ルール守ってください
279:国境なき名無しさん 2022/12/19(月) 19:46:33 ID:95g7yTNCi >何でも良い。愛の告白、愚痴、苦情、カミングアウトetc… とにかく自分の言いたいことを言って何処かへ立ち去って下さい 悪かったとりあえずどっか行くわ
280:国境なき名無しさん 2022/12/19(月) 20:07:36 ID:L1FVJZLC0 >>277 あんたにはTwitterが向いていると思われる アカウント作ってそこで主張してみなよ
281:国境なき名無しさん 2022/12/19(月) 20:20:11 ID:95g7yTNCi すまんありがともう本当に消える twitterはやりたいが怖い こんな危険な国ですぐに紐付くtwitterはさすがにできない
282:国境なき名無しさん 2022/12/19(月) 20:38:22 ID:L1FVJZLC0 [sage] Twitterが怖いのならROM専になるかネットから足洗うかしかないな あんたの長文文体見てる限り匿名掲示板では荒らし認定されてしまうと思うわ
283:国境なき名無しさん 2022/12/19(月) 20:52:08 ID:Q2HvclR60 [sage] 紐付けが怖いというならここや5chも決して安全とは思えないけどね 本当に危険な書き込みだと判断されたらどうなることやら
284:国境なき名無しさん 2022/12/19(月) 20:55:20 ID:y3ITKybj0 [sage] 長文ならブログやったら? FC2ならなんでもアリだし ア○ルSE○載せても消されない あとロシア御用達のテレグラムとか テレグラムなんか大半が犯罪絡みだよ テレグラムで消されたとか弾かれた 聞いたこと無い ユーザー設定で時間でサーバーから消える 安心機能もあるよ
言いたいことだけ言って立ち去るスレッド@避難所 5 http://www.2nn.jp/test/read.cgi/refuge/1669619640/l50