【音楽】「史上最高のシンセサイザー奏者30人」 英・サイトMusicRadarの読者が選出

The 30 greatest synth players of all time: keyboard wizards, programming gurus and sound design legends
By Scot Solida (Computer Music, Future Music, emusician, Keyboard Magazine) 3 days ago
Your votes have been counted, so who came out on top?
MTS 2020: These days, synth players are a dime a dozen. Throw a rock into the air and there's every chance it'll come down on an electronic musician. But what makes a synth player great?
Beyond that, what makes a synthesist legendary?Is it the ability to play incendiary solos at light-speed? Or perhaps it's a vast technical knowledge, allowing one to synthesize any sound at will? Maybe it's simply a knack for creating a good arrangement.