Wikileaks whistle blower has drawn his last breath ? net-vigilante found dead from gunshot wound in Ecuadorian embassy.
The election is drawing closer and closer and as can be expected, the rhetoric in both the Republican and Democratic camps are ramping up. With new scandals appearing like mushrooms such as evidence of voter fraud and Wikileaks-revealed corruption within Hillary’s campaign and the accusations from several women that Trump has groped them inappropriately, the race is looking like a tight one.
To discuss these news, tweet under #HillarysHeistAlthough, out of the two candidates, it is undoubtedly Hillary that has been taking the biggest beating these past few weeks with new, damning Wikileaks revelations hitting the web every day. The kind of corruption that the leaked emails between DNC staffers reveal, is enough to put Hillary behind bar were she to be tried and all around the country, there’s been growing distrust in the candidate. Well, it might just be Clinton’s lucky day.
(▼続きはリンク先の記事ソースでご覧ください).denfriakarolinen. 2016-10-26(英語)