【速報】米テキサス州のサンタフェ高校で銃乱射、8人が死亡 学生とみられる容疑者の男逮捕 米、8日間で3つの銃乱射事件
![【速報】米テキサス州のサンタフェ高校で銃乱射、8人が死亡 学生とみられる容疑者の男逮捕 米、8日間で3つの銃乱射事件](/img/newsplus/1526660499.jpg)
By Jason Hanna, Dakin Andone and Keith Allen, CNN
Updated 1553 GMT (2353 HKT) May 18, 2018
Multiple dead in Santa Fe school shooting
(CNN)At least eight people -- and as many as 10 -- have died as a result of a shooting Friday morning at a high school in the southeastern Texas city of Santa Fe, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said.
This is the third school shooting in eight days, and the 22nd since the beginning of the year in the United States.