
Coronavirus, intensive care doctors in Lombardy: “Timely actions or disastrous health calamity”. The access priority hypothesis: “Whoever has the most chance of survival first”
March 7, 2020
Place a age limit for access to intensive care, based on the greatest possibilities of survival. That’s what the Italian society of anesthesia, analgesia, resuscitation and intensive care in a technical document related to the emergency coronavirus. “It may be necessary to place an age limit on entry into intensive care. It is not a question of making merely valuable choices, but of reserving resources that could be very scarce for those in the community primis more probability of survival and secondly to those who can have more years of life saved, with a view to maximizing the benefits for the greatest number of people “, reads the report entitled” Recommendations of clinical ethics for admission to intensive treatments and for their suspension , in exceptional conditions of imbalance between needs and available resources “. The report was also disseminated and fully published on the Siaarti website, and is addressed to doctors. What in Lombardy region they decided to write directly to the governor Attilio Fontana to ask him to express their concerns to the central government: “In the absence of timely and adequate provisions by the Authorities we will be forced to face a event that we can only qualify as a disastrous health disaster“, Reads the document addressed to the President since Coordination of intensive care in Lombardy.