【コロナ日報】フランス、死者10,869(+ 541 病院死のみ)、ICU 7,148人、回復21,254 9日

【コロナ日報】フランス、死者10,869(+ 541 病院死のみ)、ICU 7,148人、回復21,254 9日2020/04/09
COVID-19 deaths up by 541 to 10,869 in France
WORLDBreaking the News / GA
French health officials announced on Wednesday that the death toll from coronavirus jumped by 541 in the past 24 hours to reach 10,869, including patients who died in hospitals, as well as nursing homes across the country. The daily growth in new COVID-19 fatalities was significantly lower compared to yesterday's update.
Meanwhile, a total of 7,148 people were admitted to intensive care units due to the critical condition caused by coronavirus, while 21,254 French citizens were discharged from hospitals after successfully recovering from the infection.