
Mon May 4, 2020 / 7:21 AM EDT
(Reuters) - Coronavirus test kits used in Tanzania were dismissed as faulty by President John Magufuli on Sunday, because he said they had returned positive results on samples taken from a goat and a pawpaw.
Magufuli, whose government has already drawn criticism for being secretive about the coronavirus outbreak and has previously asked Tanzanians to pray the coronavirus away, said the kits had "technical errors".
The COVID-19 testing kits had been imported from abroad, Magufuli said during an event in Chato in the north west of Tanzania, although he did not give further details.
(ロイター) - タンザニアで使用されているコロナウイルス検査キットは、彼がヤギと肉球から採取したサンプルに陽性の結果を返したと言ったので、日曜日にジョン・マグフリ大統領によって欠陥があるとして却下された。