【速報】米トランプ大統領、SNS規制の大統領令に署名 保守派への偏見に「うんざり」 法専門家は議会の了承を得ない実効性に疑問

【速報】米トランプ大統領、SNS規制の大統領令に署名 保守派への偏見に「うんざり」 法専門家は議会の了承を得ない実効性に疑問Trump escalates war on Twitter, social media protections
7 minutes ago
WASHINGTON (AP) ― President Donald Trump escalated his war on social media companies, signing an executive order Thursday challenging the liability protections that have served as a bedrock for unfettered speech on the internet.
Still, the move appears to be more about politics than substance, as the president aims to rally supporters after he lashed out at Twitter for applying fact checks to two of his tweets.