トランプ大統領、シアトル占拠し自治区宣言のデモ隊を「国内テロリスト」 州知事に「即時奪還せよ。さもなくば俺がやる。ゲームではない」★8

★Inside CHAZ: Protesters dance, sing and order vegan pizza in Seattle's six-block Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone where cops are kept out by armed patrol - as Trump brands them 'domestic terrorists' and orders Dems to take back the city NOW
PUBLISHED: 05:15 BST, 11 June 2020 | UPDATED: 21:44 BST, 11 June 2020
・Protesters have taken over a six-block zone in Seattle which they are calling the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)
・Trump called them 'domestic terrorists' and 'ugly anarchists' and ordered Dems to take back control