【速報】イギリスでデルタとオミクロンの変異を併せ持つ未知の変異株を確認 保健安全保障庁の「監視・調査すべき変異株」リストに記載

'Deltacron' Covid variant merging Omicron and Delta now being monitored by health chiefs
The new Deltacron variant, which is a hybrid of the Omicron and Delta strains, has been recognised by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) after it was identified in a UK patient
A new Covid variant that is a hybrid of the Omicron and Delta strains is officially being monitored by health chiefs.
The new variant - labelled Deltacron - has been identified in a UK patient and was named by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) in its weekly "variants in monitoring" list.
The new variant is believed to have evolved in a patient who caught both the Omicron and Delta variants at the same time.