>>632 58 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です[sage] 投稿日:2015/01/14(水) 15:00:24.79 ID:9b4f2aRk0 [1/2] I dont knok this site is official or not , but http://ch2.ma.cx/ says allmos all servers are down. But i can read and write on the board. Why?
▼ 60 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2015/01/14(水) 15:01:11.10 ID:???0 >>58 They need to update their software to point at our subdomains and not direct IP.
Our direct IP are not public anymore.
If ch2.ma.cx contacts me, then maybe I can help him.