482 High Sierra Sky ★2018/05/22(火)11:19:25.23ID:CAP_USER Hey Jude, don't make it bad Take a sad song and make it better Remember to let her into your heart このメンテナンス後、全ての板でワッチョイ表示が標準化されます。 余りにも酷な書き込みが多い為に。 一部板ではIPも強制表示されます。
282 名前:High Sierra Sky ★[] 投稿日:2018/05/22(火) 10:49:23.23 ID:CAP_USER [5/5] Scheduled maintenance on June 2 and June 9 between 5am pst and 6pm pst. Expect down times of up to 5 hours while we upgrade the power feeds in our data center.