【速報】運営「全ての板でIPとワッチョイを強制表示します」 [748768864] 482 High Sierra Sky ★2018/05/22(火)11:19:25.23ID:CAP_USER Hey Jude, don't make it bad Take a sad song and make it better Remember to let her into your heart このメンテナンス後、全ての板でワッチョイ表示が標準化されます。 余りにも酷な書き込みが多い為に。 一部板ではIPも強制表示されます。 http://zb-fan.net/ https://leia.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1528010245/l50
Websites are all back online. The data center engineers did both day's worth of maintenance back to back in one day. Thats why there was longer downtime than expected. 午後3:56 · 2018年6月3日
144 High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/07/03(火) 23:59:56.95 ID:CAP_USER9 >>137 Some server have file system error. Continuously, We are fixing now. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
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