★ニュース速報+ 241res 4.9res/h
【パリ爆発】パリ9区のパン屋が爆発、負傷者多数(2人重体)との報道 ガス漏れの可能性 ※動画・画像 ★2
【LIVE】 PARIS BLAST Paris explosion: Massive blast hits French capital as witness claim ‘destruction for blocks’ The cause of the explosion is not yet known, however there are reports that it was d...
★ニュース速報+ 1002res 366res/h
【速報】パリ9区のパン屋が爆発、負傷者多数との報道 ガス漏れの可能性 ※動画・画像
【LIVE】 PARIS BLAST Paris explosion: Massive blast hits French capital as witness claim ‘destruction for blocks’ The cause of the explosion is not yet known, however there are reports that it was d...