【訃報】米写真家、ピーター・ベアード氏(82)死去 失踪から18日後に家の近所で遺体発見 認知症を患う 米国

【訃報】米写真家、ピーター・ベアード氏(82)死去 失踪から18日後に家の近所で遺体発見 認知症を患う 米国
Body of famed photographer, Peter Beard, 82, is found in the woods near his East Hampton home 18 days after he went missing
By Ralph R. Ortega For Dailymail.com
04:24 20 Apr 2020, updated 08:42 20 Apr 2020
・The body of Peter Beard, a photographer who became known for his wildlife pictures, as well as his personal life, was found in a wooded area in East Hampton