【訃報】ブルガリア出身の芸術家、クリスト氏死去 84歳

【訃報】ブルガリア出身の芸術家、クリスト氏死去 84歳Christo, Artist Known for Massive, Fleeting Fabric Displays, Dies at 84
(NEW YORK) ― Christo, known for massive, ephemeral public arts projects died Sunday at his home in New York. He was 84.
His death was announced on Twitter and the artist’s web page. No cause was given.
Along with late wife Jeanne-Claude, the artists’ careers were defined by their ambitious art projects that quickly disappeared soon after they were erected that and often involved wrapping large structures in fabric. In 2005, he installed more than 7,500 saffron-colored vinyl gates in New York’s Central Park. He wrapped the Reichstag in Berlin in fabric with an aluminum sheen in 1995. Their $26 million Umbrellas project erected 1,340 blue umbrellas installed in Japan and 1,760 blue umbrellas in Southern California in 1991. They also wrapped the Pont Neuf in Paris, the Kunsthalle in Bern, Switzerland and a Roman wall in Italy.